Prospective international student – how to enroll
Are you a foreign student wishing to enroll in one of the courses offered at Università del Molise? Choose a first or second cycle degree programme, find out the steps you need to take in order to enroll and the staff that will support you along the way.
Whether you are undergraduate, graduate, EU or non-EU resident, a dual citizenship holder with a foreign qualification, follow the information below to learn about important procedures and deadlines for enrollment.
Further info can be found on:
Useful Contacts:
Settore Segreteria Studenti tel. + 39 0874 404 574 – email Settore Global Mobility ed Eventi internazionali tel. + 39 0874 404415 – e-mail Centro Linguistico d’Ateneo (CLA) tel. + 39 0874 404403 – email Centro Servizi per studenti disabili e studenti con DSA tel. + 39 0874 404842 – e-mail Settore Diritto allo Studio – Tasse e contributi tel. + 39 0874 404411 – e-mail |