Cudimha Project

Tunisia is one of the richest countries in the Mediterranean sea for historical and archaeological heritage: not by chance 7 sites recognised by the Unesco as Wolrd Heritage: are located in Tunisia: the amphitheatre of El Jem, the Medina of Tunis, the archaeological site of Carthage, the Punic fortress of Kerkouane and its necropolis, the city of Kairouan, the Medina of Sousse and the archaeological site of Dougga.

It is because of this important richness that the CUDIMHA Project (Curriculum Development an Innovative Master in History and Archaeology (Curriculum Development an Innovative Master in History and Archaeology  598749-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) was born, with the goal to provide new generations with innovative competences within Communication and Enhancing of the Mediterranean Cultural Heritage.

The project, with the support of the Erasmus+ Program, has been created with the cooperation of:

Università degli Studi del Molise, Project coordinator
Masaryk University, Linguistic and teaching-quality support
Fondazione FORMIT, Quality leader and e-learning supporter
University of Sfax, Dissemination and exploitation leader
University of Carthage, Teaching content creation leader
University of Gabès, Project management support
University of Monastir, Dissemination support
Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma, Linguistic support
University of Alicante, Virtual Heritage specialty