EaSI - Posting of workers: enhancing administrative cooperation and access to information


– Promotion of transnational cooperation among stakeholders and dissemination of best practices, including the promotion of the use of IMI and sharing experiences and best practices in this respect.

– Increase the accessibility and transparency of the information concerning the terms and conditions of employment to be respected, including the use of websites, bodies and authorities to which posted workers and undertakings can turn to for information as well as the use of relevant initiatives by competent authorities and/or social partners aimed at improving the provision of the relevant information.

– Increase of the knowledge about and the transparency of the existing practises in the Member States to monitor and enforce the terms and conditions of employment to be respected, such as the use of appropriate measures taken to ensure compliance with these terms and conditions in subcontracting chains.

– Promotion of exchange and training of relevant officials and social partners.

– Promotion of exchange of information and best practices, such as developing or updating websites containing general or sector-specific information concerning terms and conditions of employment to be respected, including the development of a single official national website as envisaged in the Enforcement Directive, among the stakeholders.

DEADLINE: 18 settembre 2015

BUDGET: 2M€. About 350.000€ grant for each project. 20% contribution from the applicant is necessary. The Union funding per project will not be less than EUR 150.000.


MORE INFO: http://ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=13971&langId=en