EU - EuropeAid - Marine biodiversity and forest governance (FLEGT/REDD+)

Ref. EuropeAid/150699/DH/ACT/Multi

Lot 1 to 6: Non-State Actors Participation in Forest Governance, FLEGT and REDD+

The general objective of Lots 1 to 6 of this Call for Proposals is to strengthen the contribution of non-state actors to improving forest governance, sustainable forest management and the contribution of forests to development.

The specific objective is to develop or/and consolidate organizational and institutional capacities of local and national non-state actors, including indigenous peoples and local communities, to monitor forest governance and forest land-use change, and to engage in national forest governance processes, particularly FLEGT VPA (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade – Voluntary Partnership Agreement) and REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) processes.

The expected results are:

1- Increased organisational and operational capacity of local and national, state and non-state actors to undertake participative, independent monitoring of forest emissions, forest governance, safeguards and land-use;

2- Improved transparency, access to information and accountability in the forest and land sector;

3- Viable, constructive and sustainable networks of well-informed local non-state actors, including increasing cross-border cooperation and information exchanges within the 6 targeted sub-regions;

4- Effective advocacy, participation, representation and engagement of non-state actors in national forest policy process, including FLEGT-VPA and REDD+ ERP.

Indicative budget:

Lot 1) Congo Basin (Central Africa Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Cameron) (EUR 5,000,000);

Lot 2) Western Africa  (Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia) (EUR 3,000,000);

Lot 3) Amazon Basin  (Guyana, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Suriname, Peru) (EUR 6,000,000);

Lot 4) Mesoamerican Corridor  (Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Nicaragua) (EUR 3,000,000);

Lot 5) Mekong region (laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia)(EUR 5,000,000)

Lot 6) Southeast Asia and Pacific (Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea) (EUR 5,000,000).

Min-Max requested contribution:

  • minimum amount: EUR 3,000,000 (for lots 1, 3, 5 and 6); EUR 2,000,000 (for lots 2 and 4)
  • maximum amount: EUR 5,000,000 (for lot 1, 5 and 6) ; EUR 6,000,000 (for lot 3); EUR 3.000.000 (for lots 2 and 4)

Max percentage of the total eligible costs for financing is 90%.

Duration: 36-48 months

Deadline: 8/3/2016

Lot 7: Contributing to preserving marine and coastal biodiversity in the Caribbean Sea basin

The general objective of the Lot 7 of this call for proposals is to contribute to the protection of marine and coastal biodiversity in the Caribbean Sea basin.

The specific objective (s) of Lot 7 of this call for proposals is/are to be defined by the individual project proposals that will be submitted to the Call for Proposals.

Priority 1: “Conservation/marine protected areas”

Priority 2: “Sustainable use/fishery/tourism”

Min-Max requested contribution:

  • minimum amount: EUR 600,000
  • maximum amount: EUR 1,000,00o

Max percentage of the total eligible costs for financing is 80%.

Duration: 30-48 months

Deadline: 8/3/2016

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