Progetti finanziati

EU research projects (direct EU funds) from 2007 onward 

You can click the acronym for further details on projects


Person in charge for UNIMOL Department  in charge for UNIMOL Title and Acronym  EU Programme
Bruno Lassere Bioscienze e Territorio Demostrating Remote  Sensing integration in sunstainable  forest management – FRESHLIFE Life Natura 2014 – LIFE14/IT000414
Claudio Colombo Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti International University Cooperation  on Land Protection in European- Asiatic Countries IUCLAND ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education – Join Project – EAC-A04-2014
Marco Sarchiapone Medicina e Scienze della Salute Save young lives in Europe: promote health trough prevention of risk-taking and self destructive behaviours – SEYLE –  SEYLE FP7 – COOPERATION – HEALTH-2007-3.3-1 Promoting healthy behaviour in children and adolescents,HEALTH-2007-3.3-4 Evaluation of suicide prevention strategies across and within European countries
Pasquale Trematerra Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti Innovative eco-friendly traps for control of Pine Lepidoptera in urban and recreational places –   LIFE PISA ACP LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance
Alberto Franco Pozzolo Economia New Issues in Agricultural, Food and Bioenergy Trade – AGFOODTRADE FP7 – COOPERATION – KBBE-2007-1-4-08 Drivers and limits of enhanced trade in agricultural and food products
Marco Sarchiapone Medicina e Scienze della Salute Working in Europe to stop Truancy among Youth –WE-STAY – WE-STAY FP7 – COOPERATION – HEALTH-2009-3.3-1 Child and adolescent mental health
 Chirici Bioscienze e Territorio Traffic- Health- Environment. Intelligent Solutions Sustaining Urban Economies –THE ISSUE – THE ISSUE  FP7 – REGIONS-2011-1 Economic sustainable development by boosting the competitiveness of transport-related economy
 Chirici Bioscienze e Territorio Future-oriented integrated management of European forest landscapes –INTEGRAL –  INTEGRAL FP7 – COOPERATION – ENV.2011.2.1.6-1 Land-use and European forest ecosystems
Giovanni Scapagnini Medicina e Scienze della Salute An unforgettable night for well-being with researchers of the Federative Universities of Basilicata, Molise and Puglia Regions in the Mediterranean Area – UNIFEDERLAB – UNIFEDERLAB FP7-PEOPLE-2011-NIGHT Marie-Curie Action: Researchers’ Night
Salvatore Gerbino Bioscienze e Territorio Remote Laser Welding System Navigator for Eco & Resilient Automotive Factories – RLW NAVIGATOR – RLW NAVIGATOR FP7 – COOPERATION -FoF-ICT-2011.7.4 Digital factories: Manufacturing design and product lifecycle management
Salvatore Passarella Medicina e Scienze della Salute Advanced Studies on Improving Sheep Fertility by Using Artificial Means of Reproduction – SHEEPREP – SHEEPREP FP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES Marie Curie Action “International Research Staff Exchange Scheme”
Marco Marchetti Bioscienze e Territorio FORest management strategies to enhance the MITigation potential of European forests – FORMIT – FORMIT FP7 – COOPERATION – KBBE.2012.1.2-07 Development of management strategies for planted and managed forests to increase mitigation capacity
Davide Marino – Maria Forleo Bioscienze e Territorio Increasing endangered bioDiversity iN Agricoltural and semi-natural areas: a demostrative Management mOdel –  DINAMO – DINAMO LIFE+ Nature and biodiversity 2008
Marco Sarchiapone Medicina e Scienze della Salute Promoting Mental Health, Minimising Mental Illness and Integrating Social Inclusion Through Education – PROMISE HEALTH Programme
Marco Marchetti Medicina e Scienze della Salute Against Crime: care for elders support and secure – ACCESS Criminal Justice 2007-2013
Marco Marchetti Bioscienze e Territorio Managing forests for multiple purposes: carbon, biodiversity and socio-economic wellbeing –  MANFOR C.BD – ManFor C.BD. LIFE+ Environment Policy and Governance 2009
Angela Stanisci Bioscienze e Territorio Actions for the recovery and the conservation of dune and back dune habitats in the Molise Region – MAESTRALE LIFE+ Nature and biodiversity 2010
Massimo Bagarani  UniMol Management Red de universidades para la promoción de la planificación estratégica participativa- NIVERSIDADES ESTRATEGICAS – UNIVERSIDADES ESTRATEGICAS  Alfa III
Arturo Alvino Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti  Transnational Network SME support in the animal breeding and horticulture sector – AGRO-START  South East Europe
Andrea Sciarretta Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti Mainstreaming the Biofarming System in Ethiopian and Ugandan Higher Education Institutions – MAINBIOSYS – MAINBIOSYS  Edulink II
Luciano Cinquanta Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti Strengthening innovation and technology dissemination for sustainable development in cereals, cocoa and coffee value chains in Western and Eastern Africa – SATTIFS – SATTIFS ACP-EU Co-operation Programme in Science and Technology (S&T II)
Marco Marchetti Bioscienze e Territorio Adaptation of FORest management to CLIMATE variability: an ecological approach – AFROCLIMATE UE-LIFE Programme
Roberto Tognetti Bioscienze e Territorio Climate-Smart Forestry in Mountain Region – CLIMO UE-COST Action
Antonio De Cristofaro Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti From microbial interactions to new-concept biopesticides and biofertilizers – INTERFUTURE Horizon 2020
Arturo Alvino Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti African Higher Education Leadership in Advancing Inclusive fo Development – AHEAD Erasmus+ KA2 CBHE
Lorenzo Canova Scienze Umanistiche Sociali e della Formazione Culture in MOtion in Adriatic NETwork of Museums – MONET Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania- Montenegro Programme
Nicolaia Iaffaldano Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti Recovery of S. macrostigma: Application of innovative techniques and participatory governance tools in rivers of Molise” –NAT.SAL.MO. LIFE Natura e Biodiversità 2017
Letizia Bindi Centro Bio-Culturali EARTH “Education, Agriculture and REsources for Territories and Heritage – EARTH ERASMUS + Capacity Building in Higher Education 2018
Angela Stanisci Bioscienze e Territorio Coastal dune hAbitats, subLittoraL sandbanks, marIne reefs:cOnservation, Protection, and thrEats mitigation – CALLIOPE LIFE Natura e Biodiversità 2017
Rocco Oliveto Bioscienze e Territorio “Telemonitoraggio e telemetria in ambienti intelligenti per migliorare la sostenibilità umana” – ATTICUS PON 2014/2020
Giuliana Fiorentino  Scienze Umanistiche Sociali e della Formazione Curriculum Development: An Inoovative Mastert in History and Archaelogy – CUDHIMA ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in Higher Education 2018
Andrea Sciarretta Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti In-silico boosted, pest prevention and off-season focused IPM against new and emerging fruit flies – IF_IPM H2020-SFS-2018-2020
Corrado Ievoli Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti Mountain Valorization through Interconnectedness and Green HORIZON 2020
Vincenzo De Felice Bioscienze e Territorio “Sewage oxy-gasification for chemicals production” – LIFE AUGIA LIFE Environment and Resource Efficiency
Roberto Tognetti Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti “The ForestWard Observatory to Secure Resilience of European Forests” – FORWARDS HORIZON-CL6-2022-CLIMATE-01
Roberto Tognetti Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti “Systemic solutions for upscaling of urgent ecosystem restoration for forest-related biodiversity and ecosystem services” – SUPERB HORIZON 2020 – LC-GD
Arturo Alvino Agricoltura Ambiente e Alimenti Evidence Driven Indoor Air Quality Improvement – EDIAQI HORIZON-HLTH-2021-ENVHLTH-02 – HORIZON-RIA
Maria Laura Carranza Bioscienze e Territorio “CoAStal and marine waters integrated monitoring systems for ecosystems proteCtion AnD managemEnt – CASCADE Programma di Cooperazione Territoriale Interreg CBC Italia-Croazia.